TVD 2x08 Dragonette "We Rule The World"
Posted in Lyrics , Temporada 2
Letrá en inglés:
You wanna move it
Shake like in the movies
Gotta use it
Huff that kind of stuff that makes you stupid
Call in the professionals to get it right
And if they hate us
Maybe hair and make up
Gonna save us
Blow it out and catch us looking famous
Then show you how to keep it up all night
We’re not the ones with the big guns
Some kind of shiny secret weapons
But let’s pretend that we rule the world
We’ve got the superhero costumes
Know how to change our clothes in a phone booth
So let’s pretend that we, we rule the world
We got the know-how
Kick up the kind of stink you're hearing about
Give us a kiss and then we punch your lights out
I'll eat a fist, I'm hungry for a fight
It takes an army, looking good and booking it
We’re ready
A little muscle, little cuddle, little lady
Listen don't be chicken, pick a side
We’re not the ones with the big guns
Some kind of shiny secret weapons
But let’s pretend that we rule the world
We’ve got the superhero costumes
Know how to change our clothes in a phone booth
So let’s pretend that we, we rule the world
There's more than muscle that a fighter is made of
There's got to be some cha cha ching and g-g-glitter
We're gonna see some ba-da boom before we finish
We get knocked down, we get back up in a minute
There's more than muscle that a fighter is made of
There's got to be some cha cha ching and g-g-glitter
We're gonna see some ba-da boom before we finish
We get knocked down, we get back up in a minute
We’ve got that fast action edit
No we’re not the ones with the big guns
Some kind of shiny secret weapons
But let’s pretend that we rule the world
We’ve got the superhero costumes
Know how to change our clothes in a phone booth
So let’s pretend that we, we rule the world